Kita-FAQ English
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about giftedness in early childhood
Young children can do amazing things! Anyone who accompanies their educational development as an early childhood educator knows this. Yet all too often we tend to view the period between the ages of zero and six as primarily a time of childcare rather than a time of education. Even at an early age, children are able to display not only the richness of their abilities but also what they are capable of becoming. This clearly highlights the responsibilities of early childhood education centers (Kitas) in recognizing these characteristics and providing meaningful and well-planned guidance for the child’s personality development.
Intellectual development is one characteristic of a child’s personality. Fostering this is also a part of the Kita’s mission. We believe that this is true for all children, and especially for gifted children. Kitas must be able to meet the needs of these children as well.
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The authors Christine Koop and Dr. Nadine Seddig have developed a questionnaire for this purpose, enabling an initial orientation within this complex theme. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider, University of Würzburg, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Trautmann, University of Hamburg, reviewed the FAQs. The translation comes from Lisa Trierweiler, a qualified psychologist at the Leibniz Institute for Psychology in Trier.