Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about giftedness in early childhood


What can be done to ensure that gifted children are sufficiently challenged in daily Kita activities?

It is unlikely that children will be permanently underchallenged at the Kita if they are given individualized support that reflects their interests, needs, and strengths. The more familiar the educators are with a child, the more effectively they can encourage the child in his or her personal curiosity, inquisitiveness, or interest in learning by providing relevant educational activities. Occasional moments or situations where children are less challenged do not usually pose a serious threat to their development. It is important that the children make the basic discovery that their needs are also attended to.

It is possible, however, that the activities offered at the Kita are not adequately matched to the child’s abilities and potential, resulting in a situation where the child is not sufficiently challenged. It is therefore essential to follow up on any signs of boredom or reluctance on the part of the child to go to the Kita. Some children are not able to articulate their boredom and display inappropriate behavior instead (e.g., clownish behavior, aggression toward other children, or withdrawal). When this happens, parents and educators need to agree on additional options for support, e.g., early school enrollment or enrollment in supplementary enrichment courses outside the Kita.


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