Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about giftedness


What options are available for providing support to gifted children and adolescents outside of school?

Gifted students also find a variety of opportunities outside of school to pursue their interests, meet like-minded people, and develop their potentials. Yet the range of available options varies considerably from region to region. Several public and private institutions offer afternoon courses on a wide range of topics. In addition, in many cities, there are course programs offered for gifted children that are organized by local parents’ associations. In addition, student and summer academies (e.g., the Deutsche SchülerAkademie [German Student Academy] for upper secondary school students) target gifted, enthusiastic, and interested young people who enjoy participating in projects or working intensively on a subject or topic.

Participation in one of the many federal or state student competitions also offers an attractive option. Most universities also offer courses for interested and talented pupils, for example, in the form of university lectures for children (Kinderuni) or by providing the opportunity for enrollment in an early study program. Other educational institutions, such as adult education centers or museums, can also offer exciting programs for gifted children and teenagers. For older, particularly gifted students, a school year abroad can be a challenging and intensely empowering time to learn a new language and gain new experiences.


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