Online Glossary Letter G


Glossary-Items: Letter G


The term grouping refers to courses for certain subjects or topics that are designed to support highly gifted students and are offered to participants from different grades/year-groups. The children and adolescents choose a course depending on their interests or capabilities. They are advised and supported by educational or psychological specialists.



Giftedness refers to the above-average intellectual potential of a person which, under the right conditions and with careful encouragement, can evolve into outstanding accomplishments or a vast amount of insight and knowledge. Intellectual giftedness thus refers to the possibility—not the existence—of exceptional achievement.



Giftedness is viewed statistically as being independent of gender identity. Society often ascribes high levels of achievement in girls to personality traits such as hardworking and ambitious. These stereotypical attributions could be a reason why girls are less often thought of as gifted and why their giftedness is less often recognized than in boys.