Online Glossary



“Transitions” are often referred to in an educational sense when talking about a child first starting to attend the Kita or switching from the Kita to elementary school or an adolescent leaving school to begin their training/work/studies.

Such transitions from one institution to another always require a certain amount of effort in adapting and coping from the individuals making them. This phase of coping can and should be supported in a co-constructive and resource-oriented manner by educators, teachers, parents, and members of the child’s social environment. Above all, the point of view of the children or adolescents themselves is desirable because they are the ones making the transition. (Especially gifted) children and adolescents benefit from having information about their educational trajectory or their specific potentials and interests shared with other educational institutions.

The authors Nicole Miceli and Anne-Kathrin Stiller have developed this glossary together with the Fachportal Team. The glossary was translated by Daniel Shatwell and edited by Lisa Trierweiler.